Vihucas is a family owned winery at the heart of La Mancha, committed to the production of fine premium wines.
Over 30 years, Vihucas Winery has gathered three generations of wine makers’ tradition, incorporating the most important technological and process innovation to the fine wine making practices. The winery has a short high quality production limited to the capacity of its own grown grapes. All the wine is commercialised through the brand Vihucas.
If you want to get to know our winery, our history and see how we treat our vines and make wine, get in touch with us and come to visit us:
Oficina principal:
- Calle Mayor, 3
- Villcañas, 45860 Toledo
- España
- Teléfono: 925160309
- Fax: 925160176
Oficina comercial:
- Calle: Bravo Murillo, 154
- Madrid, 28020 Madrid
- España
Llama al teléfono 925 160 309, o escribenos a